Friday, August 31, 2018

Bet-o-la Jenkins

Every character needs a villain, a baddie, a foe, or even an annoyance in order to have a story. It makes a conflict that both characters can interact in, which goes in a similar matter. For betty, and sometimes tom as well, this role most of the time goes to Bet-o-la jenkins. ( i'll call her bet cause i don't have a lot of time here. It's already the end of August.

Bet always had a strong grudge against betty, and for... a weird reason. Both of them are sisters. Bet is older by 10-15 minutes, but betty turned out as a more loving peaceful, while bet. who tries, acts more jerky. Since betty gained the most love, bet tries to end her out of spite. Yeah, it's a snow white problem and don't expect it ending in the near future.
She spends most of her time trying to try of death plans for betty with the l, not-so-much help of tom's problem, Dr. Tom Netvilk ( i'll talk about him next time). They're not a couple, netvilk just works there for some payment and a rent. Most of bet's plans backfire by her, betty, or anyone else near by, but just like betty, she's not a quiter.
To sum it up: betty has a mess-up family. A killer sister and most-likely deadbeat parents. No wonder she likes to be spanked so much. Has a great time playing baldi. I quit.