Friday, May 28, 2021

Loud house "Hoist the Loud House"


-( it starts with lincoln and lana in pirate outfits walking around their yard with lana looking at a map.)

-Lincoln: alright, first mate, Where to now for ye treasure?

-lana:( turns map over) i can't tell if it's left or right. It's badly drawn. ( luna walks on the porch until she spots the two pirates pointing at the map.) Oh wait, no it's left, I get it now.

-lincoln: alright then matey! Let's dig up that treasure before anyone else takes it. ( luna sneaks back into the house and ponders about it.

-luna: it seems like the little bro's playing pirates today. He wouldn't mind if i join in. As an opponent. ( she slightly giggles as she hears leni walking in.) And i think i found my first mate. Yo leni!

-leni: oh, hey luna! You seem totes happy today. New neck bracelet?

-luna: it's a choker. Anyway, i was wondering if you wanted to play pretend?

-leni: hmmm, you know, i do need a break from designing...sure, sis! What should we be? Doctors, artists, ninjas...oh, i know! Cats!

-luna: NO! No cats again. ( shivers) i was thinking a game of pirates.

-leni: oh, that sounds fun! And i know the perfect outfit! ( they tun up to leni's room and she pulls out a sailor suit.) Cute, huh?

-luna: that's a sailor suit.

-leni: yeah, i watched movies where they're about...pir...pieates...uh, whatever you said.

-luna: ( sigh) leni, it's time i taught you tips of being one. ( cuts to them in luna's room as she holds a record) as a musician, i collect records, as you know. And one of them are sea shanties! The pirate tune of the sea. Watch and listen now. ( she plays the record, but it'd the united states navy band record playing)

-leni: oceans play this? That's a rip.

-luna: i think i know someone who'll know more about pirates. ( cuts to luan being there in her pirate outfit)

-luan: you see leni, pirates usually go out to the sea and steal and dig treasure for themselves. I usually play one for my comedy gig. Here, let me tell ye one.

-leni: oh boy, jokes!

-luna: big mistake luna. Big mistake.

-luan: where can you find a pirate who lost his wooden legs? Right where ye left them! ( laughs) get it?

-leni: ( grabs a wooden board) luan, these don't look like legs.

-luan: ( grabs mr. Coconuts) leni, these are real wooden legs. Ok, next one. So, i've been sharing a locker during lunch lately. I'm sharing it with davey jones!

-leni: o-m- gosh, you didn't tell me you got a new boyfriend! (Gasp) tell me what happened with you and benny.

-luan: no, leni! Davey jones is an old tale that 'shivers the timbers out of ye' ( does the traditional pirate laugh)

-leni: luan, i think you should ease the jokes abit. You got a sore throat.

-luan: what, no leni, that's just their laugh. Ok, one more. Why don't pirates shower before they Walk the plank? Because they will just wash up on shore later! ( luna giggles at it)

-luna: hey, i like me a little dark humor.

-leni: is the joke that they're dirty from fish?

-luan: no, they drowne..( sigh), never mind.

-luna: hey, you remember reading or seeing peter pan, leni?

-leni: i stopped halfway in. The way they portrayed indians...ICK!

-luan and luna: yeah..yeah, i agree. Terrible.

-leni: hey luan, nice outfit you're wearing by the way.

-luan: thanks leni, it's just a standard pir..

-leni: piece by piece construction of one of the many kids from the great piece " captain kidd's kids". A glory of novelty pirattes filled with all the skulls and wrist-scarfs they could receive during the time. ( luan and luna stare at her in shock) oh come guys, it's a pirate f...oh..that's what pirates ar..that's what you two were talking about!

-luan: i..i don't even have a joke for that. Just..huh.

-luna: dude, if you knew what they were, why didn't you understand our tales to you?

-leni: to be honest, i kinda forgot. I can't remember the last time i dressed up as one.

-luna: well, ye ready to try it again, matey?

-luan: ye wanna join our crew or what, leni?

-leni: i say...i say yo-ho-heck yes! Let's get dressed! ( as we cut to the three girls dressed as pirates; luna in captain's, leni in a ruffled blouse and eyepatch playing with fake jewels, and luan in her outfit, moving along in a painted, well-made pirate ship case. Luan is cleaning the deck and luna is steering the wheel) (singing) OH, who lives in a pin...

-luna: leni, don't sing that! It's obnoxious to me rival series ears! Did ye see how many knots we be to our main rival's ship? ( she sees leni tying knots on a rope, counting the knots, and throwing it off)

-leni: aye captain. We got 12 of them.

-luan: well, she's doing knoty! ( laughs) get it?

-luna: leni, sis, i meant by how close or far away we be. Not actually by rope. ( leni awkwardly laughs as she tries to get it back, but she sees lincoln and lana behind the house) 

-leni: o-m- gosh, ye pirates! Ye didn't tell me lincoln and lana were playing too.

-luan: ( luna sees behind leni) aye, that be our rivals! Captain loud and his first mate lana!

-luna: he's got OUR map, so we gotta board his ship, so he dosent try to escape when we come aboard. ( leni runs and finds some boxes and chairs to put up)

-luan: woah, woah there sis. What are ye doing?

-leni: what you two said. We needed it boarded up. Like enemies are coming. ( luan pulls her eyepatch and let's go, pinching her) yow!

-luan: no, we meant Like batten down the hatches, like storing stuff in the ship. Not making it so we can't get in.!

-leni: ( sighs as she slides the boxes and chairs away) i'm guessing being a pirate requires you to be totes mean.

-luna: whatever the case, we better jump aboard the ship!

-lana ( shoves the map to lincoln) captain, we got company!

-lincoln: com...yow! Shiver me orange timbers! New pirates!

-luna: avast there ye Scallywags! Prepare to be boarded, dudes!

-luan: yeah! Arrr, ye two be shanghaied!

-leni: (gasp) luan, language! Only sailors swear, not pirates. It's in the law of the sea, composed by anne bonny and mary read. ( they all stare at her as the three girls slide near lincoln)

-lincoln: luna, ye swine! Lana, att..( luan grabs lincoln's and lana's one hand tight as she ties both of them up) yowtch, luan! Arrrr, what do ye request, ye blasted barnacle?

-luna: i know ye process the map to greater riches, so hand it over if ye know what's good for ye two!

-lana: what the hey girls? Leni, you too?

-leni: i kike jewels too. cause it'll be MINE! So hand it over, ye two, Arrrrr! ( lincoln shakes his head) ok then. I learned a great trick that'll make ye talk! Luan?

-lincoln: what ye think she's gonna d..d..ha-ha! ( luan tickles lincoln with a feather sword, as she looks like captain feathersword)

-luan: ye want some too, sis? ( lana gulps as she shakes her head)

-luna: this has gone on for way too long! ( she draws her sword at lincoln's belly as it gets so thin, it forms his bones) i'll be asking ye one last time. Give me the map!!!

-lincoln: NO! Lincoln loud never surrenders to anyone. not even you!

-luna: that tears it! Leni, ye still got that plank at hand?

-leni: ( she runs off and brings back a plank) i got a real bargain on this. It only cost me an arm and a wooden leg!

-luan: (she and leni laugh) ye getting it now, leni. Got it from me ipatch!

-luna: enough girls! Leni, make this mutiny driven brat walk the plank, arrrrr! ( lincoln gets scared as lana gasps in fear)

-leni: totes, i mean, aye aye captain! Let's get going lad! ( she pushes Lincoln on a plank with a swimming pool ) WALK THE PLANK!

-lincoln: i vote no! ( he turns and sees leni's mean side pointing a sharp 'fake' sword at him) le..len..leni! You can't! You wouldn't!

-lana: lincoln, no!

-luna: make him rock the shop by splash, a-har!

-luan: make the worm walk into the deep!

-leni: ( pokes lincoln's butt) yeah, get walking! ( she now sees lincoln's scared look) ( whispering) hey, don't be scared linky, it's just a diving board like at a swimming pool. and this sword's fake so..

-lincoln: that's not what they want! ( points down as leni sees bloody robotic sharks circling him) they want me to be with them!

-leni: ( gulp) girls, what's with the sharks? They look... hungry.

-luan: oh...well those sharks are vegan. Yeah, totally vegan.

Luna: they just need to stock up on their vitamin c. Yellow teeth kills leni. ( leni questionly looks at lincoln as she raises her sword, making lincoln more scared)

-Lincoln: leni, they're lying! All they wanna see is you making me shark food! That's what this whole gag is! A way to get eaten!

-leni: o-m-gosh...i'm so sorry about that, lincoln. I didn't know.

-luna: leni, you're supposed to make him fall!

-lincoln: not on my watch! ( grabs out a boc of mario 3-dees gummies and swallows them like popeye the sailor man)

-leni: linky, you got ultimate kid power! ( lincoln runs over to the two pirates and duel it out. leni unties lana) there ye go.

-lana: thanks for being on our side, first mate leni.

-leni: ye totes welcome. ( luan knocks lincoln's sword as it flies into lori's window. Lori was texting bobby as the sword pokes her butt and She screams) that's totes not good.

-lori: who did that?! Who d..( she sees them outside playing pirates) oh, that's it! I'll literally teach them who plays the games around her! ( she runs into her closet and gets dressed)

-luan: luna, think you had fun already?

-luna: ( now gone mad) i'm gonna make ye say ye final tales if...

-leni: ( covers the others as she rises her sword to her) you're tine of rain is over, ex-captain. I may like playing pirates, but at least i'm fair!

-luna: i'll teach ye pirates fair! ( she rises her sword as she's quickly pulled away by lori, dressed in a pirate captain outfit)

-lori: see ye little seadogs like messing with the REAL captain around here. Well, now it's time ye knew your place!

-luna: but..but, dude, i didn't do it. It was..

-leni: her. She's captain of us, and she has a sword.

-lori: case closed! ( grabs luna's sword and pokes her)

-luna: dude! Geez, relax! I get it, i'm sorry.

-lori: go swab the deck, ye swab!

-luna: ( sighs) aye aye captain. ( she ends up cleaning off vanzilla)

-lincoln: ( the other pirates laugh) thanks for saving our skins, lenin you're the best! ( he and leni hug as lincoln places his hat on leni) there.

-lana: looks great on you, sis!

-luan: yeah, you're the best captain in taking carr of 'oders'!

-lincoln: it's a shame that i lost the map in all the bust.

-leni: oh yeah? ( she hands everyone on her crew some oh her fake jewels, making everyone cheer "yo-ho-ho for captain leni") and a bottle of kale too. Arrrr! ( she does the final pirate laugh)

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